Depuis ce matin, les archives sont en ligne
Dès aujourd’hui, vous avez accès aux archives départementales du Territoire de Belfort depuis la page d’accueil du site internet du Conseil général.
Des documents d’état-civil, des registres paroissiaux, des plans, des recensements de population, des fiches matricules de soldats et près de 3000 cartes postales sont visibles en ligne.
Ce nouvel outil simplifie les démarches des amateurs de généalogie et permet de préserver des documents dont le plus vieux date de 1570.
Commentaires sur “Archives départementales du territoire de Belfort”
translation with a translator online
there exists by the means of the town hall of the requests online with a form
I do not know if you will understan, the form is in French
if you do not understand recontact me… I will make my possible Good @micalement, Sheet
Here are the words of the City hall of Belfort, http: // vil.html
To obtain its birth certificate the person has to send us a written demand by clarifying his(her,its) name first names date and place of birth, its filiation as well as its mailing address.
i don’t know where to start. I am trying to find someone who may help my great grandother. she was born in Belfort march ,25,1925 she immigrated to the united states in 1947. she has a green card and an Alaska state identification card she has had for years. She now lives in another state her in the United states and they will not give her indentification without her birth certificate. she has NEVER had her birth certificate. Any ideas as how she could obtain her birth certificate from Belfort? I don’t even know if they kept those things back then. any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.